【同义词辨析】 2017-11-01 孤独alone-desolate

alone: suggests objective fact of being by oneself with a slight notion of emotional involvement: happier when left ~ occasionally.

solitary: may indicate isolation as a chosen course: glorying in the calm of her ~ life; but more often suggests sadness and a sense of loss: left ~ by the death of his wife.

lonely: adds a suggestion of longing for companionship: felt ~ and forsaken.

lonesome: heightens the suggestion of sadness and poignancy of separation: an only child oft leads a ~ life.

lone: may replace lonely or lonesome but is typically as objective as alone: a ~ robin pecking at the lawn.

forlorn: stresses dejection, woe, listlessness at separation from someone dear: a child lost and ~.

desolate: implies inconsolable grief at isolation caused by loss or bereavement : her brother's death now left her ~.   bereave使丧失亲友

本组词都表示孤独,alone表示客观事实几乎没有情感色彩; solitary可表示自愿独自一人,但更常表示悲哀落寞; lonely增加了渴望陪伴的暗示; lonesome进一步提升了悲哀感伤色彩; lone可替换lonely或lonesome表示感情色彩,但通常像alone一样表示客观事实; forlorn强调和亲人分离的痛苦悲惨沮丧; desolate是丧失亲人的痛苦悲伤难以慰藉

记忆方法: 1) 首字母分成三部分AS LLL FD作为孤独的朋友,LLL想象成歌词里I'm lonely lonely lonely,FD想象成FrienD朋友<==孤独

          2)孤独的意思独自一人无人陪伴mean isolated from others.       (solitarylone既可以不带感情色彩表示客观事实,也可以带感情色彩)